Sunday, October 3, 2010

UPDATE: Allow Me To ReIntroduce Myself 3.0

What up people?! Aight we dropped "Allow Me To ReIntroduce Myself 3.0" at the top of August and the response has been crazy!! It's been downloaded close to 1600 times thus far and I'm just thankful that people took the time out of their day to listen to it and ultimately add it to their collection of music. The Internet is cool because it allows you to reach that you wouldn't be able to otherwise, BUT it's still a big deal to press up physical copies of your projects a get them to the people that way. So that's what we did. We're also about to link up with High Impact Designs again to shoot the video for "Get Lit" off of this project. If you haven't already taken the time to listen or download "Allow Me To ReIntroduce Myself 3.0" you can do so here >>>

This is Cat's E.ntertainment Y.ou E.nvy YA DIG?!?!