Thursday, September 30, 2010

It's Been A Long Time...

It's been a long time... I shouldn't have left you, without a dope blog to check fool... lol awww fuck it, i know that was corny... anyway I kinda fell back from blogging for a minute just dealing with real life day-to-day shyt... I just watched the movie "Julie & Julia", you know the movie about the chick who blogged about cooking her way through a Julia Child cook book. Those close to me know that I get busy in the kitchen, aside from being a dope emcee... I've been wanting to see that movie for awhile but just got around to checking it out. Watching that movie let me know that no matter what your craft is we all face obstacles along the way. It also showed me that timing is everything, I started this blog not long ago as a way to share everything that we were doing with the music. But the key piece I left out is the personal side. Not only do people want to know about the highlights and the things we celebrate, but they want to know about the times when things fall apart and we are forced to wear our hearts on our sleeves. So going forward, I'm going to treat this as a digital journal where I share all of the ups and downs of my personal journey through the Politics & Bullshyt of being an artist. #Stay Tuned